Architectural Control
Architectural Change Form:
Architectural Control / Review:
The Architectural Review Process reserves the right to request an ACC form for any project in any location of a property and will make approval determinations on a case-by-case basis.
The Architectural Review Process is an exclusive task is to administer the Community’s guidelines by overseeing changes and modifications to homes and property. This is achieved through an application and appeal process designed to balance the interests of individual homeowners and the community as a whole. They ensure that the association’s governing documents, the CC&Rs and Design Guidelines, are met and adhered to in order to maintain aesthetic standards within the community and to preserve home values.
Section 5.1. Architectural Review / Control
The purpose of Architectural Review is to enforce the architectural standards of the community and to approve or disapprove plans for improvements proposed for the Lots.
The Architectural Review shall have the authority to delegate its duties or to retain the services of a professional engineer, architect, designer, inspector or other person to assist in the performance of its duties.
Section 5.2. Scope of Review. No building, fence, wall, outbuilding, landscaping, pool, athletic facility or other structure or improvement shall be erected, altered, added onto or repaired upon any portion of the Property without the prior written consent of Architectural Review, provided however, that improvements erected, altered, added onto or repaired by Declarant shall be exempt from the provisions of this Article V.
Section 5.3. Submission of Plans. Before the initiation of construction upon any Lot, the Owner thereof shall first submit a complete set of plans and specifications for the proposed improvements, including site plans, grading plans, landscape plans, floor plans depicting room sizes and layouts, exterior elevations, specifications of materials and exterior colors, and any other information deemed necessary for an Architectural Review for the performance of its function. In addition, the Owner shall submit the identity of the individual or company intended to perform the work and projected commencement and completion dates.
Section 5.4. Plan Review. Upon receipt by the ARC of all of the information required by this Article V, it shall have 21 days in which to review said plans. The proposed improvements will be approved if, in the sole opinion of the ARC: (i) the improvements will be of an architectural style and material that are compatible with the other structures in the Property; (ii) the improvements will not violate any restrictive covenant or encroach upon any easement or cross building set back lines; (iii) the improvements will not result in the reduction in property value, use or enjoyment of any of the Property, (iv) the individual or company intended to perform the work is acceptable to the ARC; and (v) the improvements will be substantially completed, including all cleanup, within 3 months of the date of commencement, except that construction of a house will be substantially completed within 6 months of the date of commencement of such construction. If the ARC fails to issue its written approval within 21 days of its receipt of the last of the materials or documents required to complete the Owner's submission, the ARC's approval shall be deemed to have been granted without further action.
Section 5.5. Non-conforming Structures. If there shall be a material deviation from the approved plans in the completed improvements, such improvements shall be in violation of this Article V to the same extent as if erected without prior approval of the ARC. The ARC, the Association or any Owner may maintain an action at law or in equity for the removal or correction of the non-conforming structure and, if successful, shall recover from the Owner in violation all costs, expenses and fees incurred in the prosecution thereof.
Section 5.6. Immunity of ARC. No ARC shall have any liability to any Owner or any other person for the acts or omissions of the ARC if such acts or omissions were committed in good faith and without malice. The Association shall defend any action brought against the ARC or any member thereof arising from acts or omissions of the ARC committed in good faith and without malice.
Section 5.7. Address for Notice. Requests for ARC approval or correspondence with the ARC shall be addressed to The Vineyards at Wyndham Ridge Architectural Review Control and mailed or delivered in care of Shamrock Community & Property Management, 6107 SW Murray Blvd Ste 105, Beaverton, OR 97008. No correspondence or request for approval shall be deemed to have been received until actually received by the ARC in form satisfactory to the ARC.
Section 5.8. Non-waiver. Consent by the ARC to any matter proposed to it or within its jurisdiction shall neither be deemed to constitute a precedent or waiver impairing its right to withhold approval as to any similar matter thereafter proposed or submitted to it for consent, not be deemed an indication of conformance with any applicable laws, rules, or regulations of governmental agencies or bodies.
Section 5.9. Effective Period of Consent.The ARC's consent to any proposed improvement shall automatically be revoked one year after issuance unless construction of the work has been commenced or the Owner has applied for and received an extension of time from the ARC.
Section 5.10. Construction by Declarant. Improvements constructed by the Declarant on any property owned by the Declarant are not subject to the requirements of this Article V.
Email notification of the Approval Decision is available by providing your email address on the ARC form.
Homeowners will be encouraged to use the HOA Web Site to keep current on ARC information.
The Vineyards HOA reserves the right to request an ARC form for any project in any location of a property and will make approval determinations on a case-by-case basis.
Contact the Board via Shamrock Community & Property Mgmt
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