CCR Violations
Garbage & Refuse Disposal
No cans, bags, containers or receptacles for the storing or disposal of trash, garbage, refuse, recycling, or yard debris shall be stored, kept, placed or maintained on any Lot where visible from any street except solely on a day designated for removal of garbage and rubbish and on which days only such cans, bags, containers, and receptacles may be placed in front of residence and beside a street for removal but shall be removed from view before the following day within 24 hrs.
Landscape and Exterior Structure Maintenance
Decorative ground cover consisting of bark dust/mulch or rock in the front and side yard may not exceed 10% of the total area of the front and side yard. This does not apply to or include curb strips. Growth of grasses in lawns must be properly maintained not to exceed 4 inches in height. Landscaping of front yards shall contain at least 500 square feet of lawn or sod unless otherwise approved by the ACC.
All landscaping located on any Lot shall be properly maintained at all times by the Lot Owner. Each Lot Owner shall keep all shrubs, trees, grass, and plantings of every kind on his or her Lot cultivated, pruned, free of trash, and other unsightly material. All improvements upon any Lot shall at all times be kept in good condition and repair and adequately painted or otherwise maintained by the Lot Owner.
All Structures, siding, and fencing shall be kept in good condition and free of unsightly mold and mildew.
The ACC shall have the right at any reasonable time to enter upon any Lot to replace, maintain, and cultivate shrubs, trees, grass, or other plantings as deemed necessary; and to paint, repair, clean up or otherwise maintain any improvements in need thereof, and to charge the cost thereof to the Lot Owner.
No vehicles, trailers, implements or apparatus may be driven or parked in the Common Maintenance Area or on any easement unless in use for the maintaining such Common Maintenance Areas, provided however, that this restriction shall not apply to driveways, streets or paved areas intended for vehicular use.
No vehicles, trailers, implements or apparatus may be parked across or blocking any sidewalk or right of way at any time. Vehicles parked on the public street may remain no more than 48 hrs in alignment with the City of Sherwood Ordinances.
Campers, Boats, Recreational Vehicles, Utility Trailers:
No campers, boats, boat trailers, recreational vehicles, utility trailers, off-road vehicles and other types of non-passenger vehicles, equipment, implements or accessories may be kept on any Lot unless the same are fully enclosed within the garage located on such Lot and/or said vehicles and accessories are screened from view by a screening structure or fencing approved by the ACC, and said vehicles and accessories are in an operable condition.
No dismantling or assembling of motor vehicles, boats, trailers, recreational vehicles, utility trailers, off-road vehicles or other machinery or equipment shall be permitted in any driveway or yard adjacent to a street.
No disabled vehicles, campers, boats, boat trailers, recreational vehicles, utility trailers, off-road vehicles, and other types of non-passenger vehicles, equipment, implements or accessories may be kept or parked on any street within the Property for any period in excess of forty-eight (48) hours.
No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any Lot, except for cats, dogs or other generally recognized household pets of a reasonable number, provided that they are not kept, bred, or maintained for any commercial purpose; and provided further, than no more than 4 adult animals may be kept on a single Lot.
All such animals shall be kept in strict accordance with all local laws and ordinances (including leash laws and removal/disposal of animal feces) and in accordance with all rules established by the Association. No animal shall be allowed to run at large, and all animals shall be kept within enclosed areas which must be clean, sanitary, and reasonably free of refuse, insects and waste at all times. All animals must be leashed while walking with owners
Exterior enclosed areas for animals be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the ACC, shall be of reasonable design and construction to adequately contain such animals in accordance with the provisions hereof, and shall be screened so as not to be visible from any other portion of the Property.
Grass Curb Strip and Street Tree Maintenance
City of Sherwood Ordinances and the Homeowners Association require that lot owners who have a curb strip of grass and street trees running parallel to the sidewalk are expected to maintain that section of their property in a similar fashion to their lawn.
Original installation of the neighborhood by Centex Homes included the grass curb strips and street trees on many of the streets in the neighborhood. Any alterations to the grass and/or street trees require approval from the City of Sherwood Planning Dept and the Homeowners Association. Removal of the grass or trees will result in a CCR violation/fine from the HOA and penalties from the City.
If you wish to remove the grass curb strip or street trees, please contact the HOA and the City of Sherwood Planning Department.
Siding/Structure Maintenance:
All structures located on any Lot are required to be maintained including wood/vinyl siding. All surface areas on structures must be power washed and maintained on a regular basis.
All exterior walls of dwellings, garages, and approved structures shall be completely finished in wood or vinyl as approved by the ACC.
Wood siding will be required to be in good visible maintenance. It is recommended that painting of siding, gutters, and trim be done on a regular schedule as outlined by the manufacturer of that material. Moss and green mold are common in our climate and must not be allowed to collect.
Vinyl siding must be cleaned on a regular basis as well. All moss, black mold, and dirt will be removed.
Detached Buildings/Structures-Sheds:
No detached accessory buildings, including detached garages, storage sheds, greenhouses, play structures, or enclosed pergolas shall be erected or constructed upon any Lot without prior consent of the HOA ACC.
Any of these above listed structures must be compatible with the dwelling to which it is appurtenant in terms of design and material construction. Any structures may not exceed 15 feet in height measured from grade level.
The ACC Committee must approve any proposed structure additions to any Lot.