chevron_rightSidewalk Repair Chapter 12.08 of the Sherwood Municipal Code states that property owners abutting sidewalks are the responsible party for all sidewalk maintenance and repair in the City of Sherwood. In order to assist with sidewalk repairs, the City has created this sidewalk repair assistance program.Pursuant to the Sherwood Municipal Code Section 12.08, the City of Sherwood (City) assigns sidewalk responsibility to abutting property owners. This assistance program is in no way intended to relieve property owners of their responsibilities, but rather it is intended to assist property owners with the cost of repairing or replacing sidewalks.Sidewalk Maintenance Criteria
Sidewalk trip hazards for the City of Sherwood are defined by the following criteria:Vertical separation greater than a 1/4”Horizontal separation greater than a 1/4”Obstructions located within the sidewalk areaOther defects deemed necessary for repairQuestions?Contact the City of Sherwood Public Works - 503-625-5722https://www.sherwoodoregon.gov/publicworks/page/sidewalk-repair-assistance-program -
chevron_rightTrees Q: Do I need a permit to remove a tree at my house?
A: Maybe. Trees on individual single family lots do not require a permit, unless they are a street tree. A tree removal permit is required for street trees. If not a street tree, you can remove up to five trees in a calendar year.Q: Do I need a permit to remove a tree on my commercial, industrial or apartment/condominium property?
A: Most likely. In addition to street trees, permits are required to remove trees that were required with development. Trees in commercial, industrial or apartment/condominium developments most likely were required by land use approval. In most cases, a replacement tree is required. If you need assistance with the application process, contact the Planning Department at 503.925.2308.Q: Do I need a permit to remove a tree from the planter strip or public right-of-way fronting my property?
A: Yes, trees in these areas, usually referred to as street trees, can be removed through a tree removal permit. In most cases, a replacement tree is required. For more information, please see Street Tree Removal Permits.Q: How do I get a permit and how long does it take?
A: The application can be found online or at City Hall. Submit the completed application, supporting documentation and any applicable fees to the city for review and approval. Most Street Tree Removal Permits can be processed within 10-14 days.Q: What should I do when a tree is lifting up the sidewalk in front of my house?
A: Consult with an ISA certified arborist about preserving the tree. If this is not possible, find out whether a tree removal permit is required and obtain one, if necessary. A Right-of-Way (ROW) permit may be required for the repair of the sidewalk. ROW permits for sidewalk repair are exempt from fees. Contact Engineering Department staff for more information at 503.925.2305.Q: Do I need a permit to plant a tree in the planter strip or public right-of-way fronting my property?
A: Yes the city must approve the species and planting location for street trees per the in the Sherwood Municipal Code Section 16.142. Check with the city regarding specific permit requirements.Q: I'm worried about my street tree. Can the city come out and inspect it?
A: Street trees, although they may be in the public right of way, are the adjacent property owner's responsibility. We recommend hiring ISA certified arborists for tree inspections.Q: How do I determine who owns a tree or is responsible for its maintenance?
A: The only way to definitively determine the ownership of a tree is by hiring a Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) to survey the tree in relation to property lines. A local PLS can be found at www.plso.org.Q: Will the city maintain or remove the street tree in front of my house?
A: No, street tree maintenance is the responsibility of the fronting property owner. Street trees should be maintained per tree care industry standards. In addition, tree branches need to be maintained 7 feet above sidewalks and streets (see Clear Vision Areas brochure for details). The city recommends working with an ISA certified arborist to maintain street trees.Q: I'm worried about the condition of a tree on my property. Can the city come out and inspect it?
A: No, trees on private property are the owner's responsibility. We recommend hiring an ISA certified arborist for tree inspections.Q: I'm worried about a tree on my neighbor's property. What can the city do?
A: We recommend first contacting your neighbor to try and work out a solution.Q: I'm worried about the condition of a tree on city property, such as a park or greenway. Who should I contact?
A: Contact the City of Public Works Department, 503.625.5722 or operations@sherwoodoregon.govQ: I plan on developing my property. Am I required to plant trees? Are there incentives for preserving existing trees?
A: Yes. The Sherwood Zoning and Community Development Code Section 16.142 contains information regarding the city's tree canopy requirements. Incentives for preserving existing trees, such as receiving double credit towards the canopy requirements are also found in this section.Q: Can I remove trees on private property that are not street trees?
A: Yes. Removal of up to 5 trees, or up to 10% of the number of trees on site (whichever is greater) is allowed within a twelve month period. No review or approval is required provided that trees are not located within a wetland, floodplain or protected through prior land use review. Homeowners living within a neighborhood HOA should contact the HOA for specific requirements within the neighborhood.Q: Why do I need to contact the City if a permit is not required
A: The City often gets calls from concerned neighbors anytime that a tree is removed. Notifying us ahead of time allows us to verify that you do not need a permit and enables us to respond to callers without having to send a code compliance officer out to investigate. Please send the type, size, location and reason for the tree removal as well as a drawing or picture to planning@sherwoodoregon.gov 48 hours prior to removing the tree.Q: What is the penalty for illegally damaging or removing a tree?
A: As specified in Section 16.02.040 of the Sherwood Zoning and Community Development Code, the penalty is: A civil infraction that could cost up to $500 per day, per offense.https://www.sherwoodoregon.gov/sites/default/files/fileattachments/Code%20Compliance/page/3172/clear_vision_brochure.pdf -
chevron_rightWhat improvements require the ACC Form? All building, additional structures, fencing, walls, outbuildings, improvements, repairs, landscaping, athletic facilities, atachments to the structure (solar panels, satellite dishes, awnings, pergolas, play structures. decking, driveways, patios, and painting require written consent and ACC approval.Submission of plans and approval are required PRIOR to initiation of any of the above activities. Failure to submit the form prior to beginning your project will result in a fine assessed to the owner per the HOA Bylaws, Articles VIII, Section 1a.
chevron_rightWhat is the purpose of the ACC? The purpose of the Architectural Control Committee is to enforce architectural standards of the community and to approve or disapprove plans for improvements proposed for the individual lots.The ACC Commitee shall have the authority to retain the services of a professional engineer, architect, designer, or inspector to assist in the performance of its duties of reviewing any propsed plans.The ACC/Board reserves the right to request approval for any project on a homeowner property in any location, front-back-side of individual lots.
chevron_rightWhere do I get the ACC Form? The ACC Form can be downloaded from this website and must be printed out and submitted to Infinity Property Management. We do not accept electronic submissions of the ACC forms, they must be hard copies mailed to Appleton Properties with all supporting documentation.Submission of the Form requires a complete set of plans and specifications related to the proposed improvements. Examples of related information should include site plans, grading plans, landscape materials, floor plans depicting room sizes and layouts, exterior elevations, exterior materials and colors, structure sizes, and any other information deemed necessary by the ACC.Failure to submit the ACC form PRIOR to beginning your project will result in a $50 fine.
chevron_rightAthletic & Recreational Facilities - Basketball Hoops Per Article IX, Section 9.23 of the CCRs:Outdoor athletic and recreational facilities such as basketball goals, swing sets, and sport courts of a permanent nature shall not be placed on any Lot between the street right-of-way and the front of a residential dwelling situated upon any Lot and must be approved by the ACC pursuant to Article V.Please refer to the Sherwood Municipal Code Guidelines:Temporary facilities may be placed, utilized, and removed from view from the street during the course of a day.
chevron_rightDoes the HOA allow Solar Panels? Provision in Oregon Law: SOLAR ENERGY PANELS - HOA allowing installation of Solar Panels105.880 Conveyance prohibiting use of solar energy systems void. (1) No person conveying or contracting to convey fee title to real property shall include in an instrument for such purpose a provision prohibiting the use of solar energy systems by any person on that property.(2) Any provision executed in violation of subsection (1) of this section after October 3, 1979, is void and unenforceable.According to Homeowner Association Attorneys:There is no single, definitive opinion among Community Association Lawyers about what this provision really means or how it is applied. Also, there is no case law in Oregon that interprets this law.However, its a safe interpretation is that the Association will allow solar devices, but may regulate the placement, size, location, etc. on a homeowner property, similar to the Association's authority under the Federal Satellite Dish Law.The device will be erected and maintained in such a way that it is screened from public view along the public street right of way directly in front or side of the house. Written permission from the Board must be obtained PRIOR to installing the devices on any lot. Failure to submit for approval will result in an immediate $50 fine.The Board can absolutely prohibit the installation of solar energy devices or systems on the common property.Homeowners may submit an ACC form to the Board for consideration if a homeowner wishes to include solar panels on their property.
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